Some of them are good, some of them are just like this:

Cypriot men.

It is very trendy for men in Cyprus to follow the 'antras o varys' style. This involves having your shirt open up to your belly button and rocking a paterimin. (pls do not try this at home if you are not the proud owner of a hairy bush-type chest). Another popular accessory to get this style is a 19 ft blonde girl of Russian/Ukrainian/Romanian or Moldavian origin, but before that you have to live with your mum until you are forty years old, and use her 5 star laundry service as much as possible. Then come the Russian girls. They also have the other traditional accessory the nihoui which is a high tec handy fingernail on the pinky finger used for cleaning ear wax or picking kaka8kia(dried muccus) out of your nose.

Also, if a babe/piece of meat girl not from the village is walking down the road unescorted by her family, it is Cypriot Law customary for all the men in that village to stop what they are doing, and watch as that particular girl walks by. Even if she's twelve of another age, the law clearly states it is customary that any man within the 5 mile vicinity of that girl must drop whatever they are doing and just watch. If a Cypriot man blinks even once before that girl walks by, then he is deemed a 'a faggot' homosexual and has to be cast out of that village for the shame he has brought upon his fathers and their fathers and their fore-fathers, (etc).

He cannot return until he has claimed to have slept with over a hundred women the following day.

Jag känner allt för många av den här sorten har jag märkt :D



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